11 Jan. TIGER BALM: The Magic Allrounder to Stop the Itching of a Sandfly Bite
TIGER BALM is one of the most common medical products of use in Asia and stops itching of a sandfly bite.
All across the continent you can find the small glass jars either in red or white. The name “TIGER BALM” has been trademarked by the Haw Par Corporation from Singapore but it all started with a Chinese herbalist named Aw Chu Kin, who left China and put up a small pharmaceutic store in Rangoon, Myanmar (then Burma) in the late 1870’s.
He invented the formula of THE TIGER BALM, which is now famous worldwide, and it is due to his two sons that we still benefit from this invention.
There are two main products even now many items are gathered together under the trademark TIGER BALM: the red and the white TIGER BALM.
While both kinds of TIGER BALM are the “original ones”, the red TIGER BALM and its addition of cinnamon oil is best for muscle ache, pain relief and to increase blood circulation, the white TIGER BALM should be your choice to buy when searching for help with sandfly bites.

White TIGER BALM consists of 11% camphor, 8.0% menthol, 13.0% eucalyptus oil, 1.5% clove oil, and dementholised mint oil, yellow soft paraffin and hard paraffin.
After being bitten you can apply white TIGER BALM to the sandfly bite to find a bit of relief from the itching.
The special ingredient camphor oil helps to reduce the itching. Camphor has been used since the 16th century for its characteristics to increase the blood circulation.
Next to Camphor white TIGER BALM contains menthol and eucalyptus oil, which both cool the sandfly bite. It is recommended to apply heat to the new sandfly bite straight after it has been spotted, but after a short time the imflammation of the sandfly bite will get very warm and a cooling ointment is bringing relief.
You can find out more about the use of heat directly after the bite in our posts about hot water and the BITE AWAY STICK but to apply a cooling balm will surely have a relieving effect on the itching of the sandfly bite.
karen Murphy
Posted at 19:41h, 24 JuniI agree . We ran into a flea issue in our new home Which was supposedly clean and insect free. Well it wasn’t. I kept itching and developed a rash (quite severe)
Upon moving in of course we were putting things away., I was trying to find my first aid stuff from the bathroom (had i packed the bathroom It would have been found). Long story short. I keep Tiger Balm in my purse. So I got to wondering if it would work. Well not only did it relieve itching , I quickly realized that the flea dirt was embedded in my skin. I actually watched them come out!!! I was horrified. But thanks to Tiger Balm My skin is cleared up and the problem solved.